Saturday 12 March 2016

Called and Saved to Serve!

Proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to all Nations
“So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”
Galatians 6:10 

With God living on the inside of us, we have the privilege of seeing others the way He sees them. We can love them with His love and touch their lives with His peace. In God’s kingdom, greatness is demonstrated by our serving others, just as Christ did. As Christians we have been called and saved to serve – a living sacrifice. What can we do to help someone today?

Reach Out and touch Love
 Creating, working and giving is Love made visible
 God is Love.


For one week in January 2016 we had the privilege to have 20 young people, staff from Campus Crusade for Christ/Jesus Film Project and students from Gaborone University visit us on an outreach. The visit was blessed with us being able to arrange for very scarce accommodation in New Xanagas, especially for such a large group. We managed to obtain the semi complete renovated community hall for the men and the Social and Community Development Officer gave us her two bed roomed house for the Ladies. The Police Station Commander from Kalkfontein borrowed us two tents as back up.

During a heat wave with temperatures ranging from 38 to 45 degrees the visiting team inspired all with early morning exercise and prayers. All were invited to the Great Commission Ministry Course, they split up into various teams, witnessed, visited and prayed with all in the community – did washing of clothing and blankets, carried water and wood to the old, had fun donkey and horse rides and played games with the children. The Wednesday evening we showed the movie “Left Behind” – about the rapture/blessed hope, which had a huge impact on those present. Friday night the “Jesus Film” in Setswana was shown outdoors in the Kgotla (village square). The film was shown on the big screen with the Cine reel camera and several students gave their testimonies when the film-reel was changed. Seven young people accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour. We Praise and thank our Lord for the Campus Crusade team and for the wonderful work done during the short visit to New Xanagas.        

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