Friday 11 March 2016

2015 - Christmas in New Xanagas, Botswana
“John replied, ‘a man can receive nothing (he can claim nothing at all) unless it has been granted to him from heaven’ (for there is no other source than the sovereign will of God).”

John 3:27

 God has given us everything we need to live full, prosperous lives in Him. He has blessed us with diverse gifts, skills and talents to be used with joy for His glory! So lets never loose sight of the truth that everything that is good in us, and everything we have, has been given to us by God for a purpose, To Bless Others!

We thank our Heavenly Father for the opportunity and the gift to be able to offer the community of New Xanagas a Christmas Service and a Christmas lunch. We thank everyone for donations of food and donations of funds, we thank all for the contributions and the small local Bible study group who worked so hard to put all together. Thank you to Pastors of the Churches in New Xanagas who attended, who blessed and gave a message of joy, peace and hope for all.

We managed to make Christmas hampers for all – knickknacks, sweets, cookies and cold drink, handed out after lunch. In sweltering heat and till late in the afternoon we delivered Christmas lunch to homes, with Blessing (the Tazz) - to the old, the ill, the blind and disabled. It was very rewarding and a blessing indeed to see and experience the happy smiles and here the excited giggles, laughter and chatter when we delivered the much needed wholesome meal. Our Lord Jesus Christ was smiling down on all!

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