Saturday 16 July 2016





(Humanitarian and Empowerment Aid)
In memory of
Adrian Phillip Herrewyn
 (13/02/2008 – 18/07/2010)

‘ROA’ – the “Reach Out Africa” campaign started in 2010, in memory of Adrian (2) after he choked on an apple and tragically passed away on 18 July 2010 (Nelson Mandela’s birthday).

Since starting the "ROA" campaign, we have noticed that the more we do the Lords work, the more we give of our self and the more we are of service to others, we have been blessed abundantly more than what we could ever imagine. It is so rewarding and such a humbling experience to bless the hurting and needy. We encourage you to do the same. Each and every one of us must show compassion every day of your life, not only on Mandela day or on special occasions. Every day must be a “JESUS DAY”.

Be a blessing to others and Love one another as yourself.

Showing love does not mean to give money and offerings, but to reach out in goodwill and help others. We live in extremely difficult times and it is all of our collective responsibility to show that we care and help the less fortunate than us. Don’t stand aside criticising people or not wanting to make their problems yours.
If people/family/friends have hurt or wronged you in the past forgive them and reach out to them. Likewise forgive yourself – forgiveness is one of the most difficult things to do. It may be a good move to start your path of forgiveness by blessing others. Do a good deed for a person/friend/family – take the first step, even just a small gesture to a stranger/family/friend, an email, SMS or WhatsApp – How are you? Can go a long way.

“Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults – unless, off course, you want the same treatment. Don’t condemn those who are down; the hardness can boomerang. Be easy on people; you’ll find life a lot easier. Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back – given back with bonus and blessings. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity.”

-         Luke 6:37-38 (The Message) –

I have experienced and realised that no matter my circumstances, religion or committed sin, I am a child of God and it is my calling to serve God.  With this calling comes responsibility – responsibility implies that I must be accountable for the things – time, talents, gifts and opportunities – that God has entrusted to me. As Christian it is my created calling and responsibility to proclaim the Gospel and “Reach Out” to hurting and needy people and communities.
It is not at all easy and it takes determination and commitment to stretch ourselves to help others, but that’s how God wants us to live. God says that when you truly give and pour yourself out for others, He will use you. I have experienced that if you reach beyond your own situation and bring Christ’s love to others, the circumstances you face will fade away and disappear. And you will experience the wondrous joy of making a difference where it counts.
Reach Out and touch Love – creating, working and giving is love made visible -

 God is Love.


The “Reach Out Africa” campaign is a non-profit, non-racial, non-denominational Christian agency committed to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and offer humanitarian and empowerment aid to isolated and remote San (Bushmen) & other African communities/villages.



Consider reality:
Ø      26 000 children are dying each and every day as a result of hunger or cure able disease
Ø       3 billion and more people are homeless and on the brink of starvation
Ø      Over 100 000 of the Forgotten Tribe & First People of Africa, the Kalahari San (Bushmen), still live in the Kalahari Desert of South Africa, Namibia and Botswana
Ø      4.5 billion people in the world do not know of Jesus.

Our mission is to “Reach Out” through word and deed to empower poor hurting and needy isolated Kalahari San & other African communities/villages, regardless of race or religion and assist them to alleviate spiritual, emotional and physical poverty. Proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and show all communities that through ongoing and dedicated training and labour marginalized families will be able to profitably benefit from there God given talents, hard work and the natural resources available on there doorstep, in a way that witnesses God’s Grace and LOVE
If you know of any hurting or needy family or welfare organisations who need assistance please contact us on and we will endeavour to assist as much as possible. See

Tuesday 14 June 2016


 Throughout my mission among the Kalahari San and the "Reach Out Africa" campaign I can only praise and thank the Lord for His grace, guidance and wisdom. I can truly testify that the more you give of yourself the more you will receive - the more we give of ourselves the more our mission is blessed and growing from strength to strength -

Just after sharing the inspiring email below, from South African missionary Sarah-Leigh van Zyl (20), serving in mission among the poorest of the poor in England. Many requests for permission to share Sarah- Leigh's testimony is received. We share it here. 
"Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save there life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it."
Matthew 16:24-25
(Please note all photo's are from the "Reach Out Africa" mission and "Jesus Film Project")

Testimony from Sister Sarah-Leigh van Zyl, missionary in England.

Yesterday dated 3 months since the last zone conference (when half of the mission gets together and we get counselled on how to be better), when I typed out and sent all that I had heard and learnt from the spirit in the conference. This time was no different. I learnt so much more. I am grateful for the spirit that was able to be present at the meeting so that I could’ve received the revelation that I need at this time of my life in order to be a better missionary and to be better prepared for what is to come.


This was the general theme of the conference that I picked up on. It was made known unto me just how important it is to give of ourselves. It tells us in Matthew in the Bible that we find our lives when we lose them in service of our fellow men. I have found this to be true, being on a mission. I have learnt who I am and what brings real happiness…and that is extending service and love to all, without judging.

I will mention some of the concepts that I learnt and revelation that I received in the conference and then, what I will do to apply these things into my life:

1. The tale of the two seas. This was my favourite! Listen to this….There are 2 seas; the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea. The Sea of Galilee is lush, it is filled with many different species of plants and fish, and it is colourful and vibrant. Then we have the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is poisonous, toxic and anything that is there rusts and is ruined. There is no life or fish in the Dead Sea and it cannot sustain life. The interesting thing is that they both get the fed by the same source: the River Jordan. The difference between the two is that the Sea of Galilee receives and both gives water, whereas the Dead Sea just receives water and does not give. There is no flow.

The key to this is that we need to be givers in order sustain life and be vibrant. The Saviour was a giver. He gave a lot more than he received. We have the gospel, so we need to share it, we have love to share, so share it and we have precious truths that save lives, we need to share them. The happiest person shares all that he has. From your last piece of bread… to your testimony, even when you feel that you cannot share it. That directs us into the next thing I learnt….

*I will be a giver for the rest of my mission and life. I will not keep anything to myself, but share all that I have, whether it is temporal or spiritual. I will share my goods, my testimony and any gospel truth that I find, openly, just like the Saviour did. I will not be selfish.

2. Do not expect anything in return. It is part of the natural man to expect. We expect payment at the end of the month, we expect a reward for doing well and we expect some praise for our accomplishments. We expect baptisms when we work hard and expect all things to be going well for us when we are being obedient BUT, True givers expect nothing in return.

Are we willing to give of our time, talents and if possible, our very souls and expect nothing in return? We are not obliged to anything in life. All that we have is God’s; even our very lives are gifts from him. We are to consecrate EVERYTHING and be givers. Even if we have nothing left to give, being truly consecrated is having faith to give even when we feel empty.

*I will not expect any reward for my efforts in this life, but know that the greatest reward is yet to come, and will not be given in this life.

3. No assumptions. How many times in life are conflicts sorted out after just a little chat about it..Why is this? It is because we assume things. We assume people are thinking or feeling in a certain way; we are not mind readers and ought not to be. We need to assume that someone will not accept the gospel just because of the way they look or speak. They atonement is real and change lives like nothing else does. Those people are often the ones in most need of the truths that the gospel has to offer.

*I will better my communication by asking how someone feels or thinks, rather than assuming I know. I will share the gospel with everyone and not assume that they will reject. It is better to be disappointed than to have regrets that follow from lost opportunities.

 4. Make sure that you are doing YOUR best, and forget the rest. We tirelessly compare ourselves to others and in turn totally overlook the fact that we may be doing our best in this, but if our best is not like someone else’s, we somehow think that we are not doing well. A story was shared of a missionary that served in this mission that had the palsy. He could not use one side of his body and thus, walking, eating or even speaking was a struggle. Yet, he persisted. He did all that he could, even if it was half what another missionary was doing. He tried his best and THE LORD WAS SATISFIED. We just need to be concerned about what He thinks and forget the rest.

*I will pray for strength from Heavenly Father to cease comparing myself to others, but focus on what I am able to do well and work on my weaknesses. Much easier said than done, but ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE THROUGH CHRIST’S ATONEMENT.

I know that Heavenly Father is there. HE knows us better than we know ourselves and thus know what trials to bless us with. I know that we will be happier if we look at trials as blessings, as ways to become like God is. Heavenly Father loves us so much that he gives us trials to endure, and even promises us with help to overcome them. I know that the Saviour was the one central to the Plan that God has set for us. A sacrifice needed to be made, but it didn’t have to be Jesus Christ who performed it, but he did it WILLINGLY. I cannot help but shed a tear of two thinking of that sweet, unfailing love of the Saviour. Let us show him our appreciation by continuing to exercise our faith in him, using His atonement so that we can repent and change and enduring to the end. I love my Saviour more than anything and am grateful to be one of his instruments in the mission field. Without Heavenly Father and the Saviour’s help I would not be able to do this work, but I can do this because of them! I know that you can endure anything that is placed in your path with their help.

I love you all and am very humbled by your support for me being on the mission.
I pray for you and look forward to the day next year when i will be reunited with you.
Lots of love, Sarah-Leigh.

“Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.”
2 Peter 1:2

Thursday 26 May 2016


'Deo Laudes'
(Praise the Lord)

We praise and thank the Lord for all His blessings and stand amazed at how He continues to provide for all our needs.

"Therefore, since the promise of entering the rest still stands, let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it.
For we also have had the Gospel (the good news) preached to us, just as they did;
but the message they heard was of no value to them, because those who heard it did not combine it with faith."
Hebrews 4:1-2

 Since the beginning of the "Reach Out Africa" campaign among the Kalahari San in 2011 we have had opposition from many. After exposing corruption and un-Christian like practices, persecution continues against me and the "Reach Out Africa" project. Recently as a result of further persecution, false rumours and accusations against our calling many of our partners withdrew their support. We know that the closer we walk this path with the Lord, we will face many Giants who intend to stop us. It has been very difficult at times, however we have been and continue to be blessed in a most rewarding way - see "Deo Laudes" below. In spite of all the negatives we thank the Lord for the small Bible study group in New Xanagas, who support us and continue to study, live and preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to all. Under very difficult conditions we will continue to support with humanitarian aid and arrange out-reaches to hurting and needy Kalahari San and other communities.

"In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."
James 2:14-17

 Deo Laudes (Praise the Lord) Volunteer Group –  

 Recently we were blessed in receiving a very large donation of clothing, bedding, cutlery, toys etc. from a leading retail store. We realised that we were blessed with this very large donation not only to assist Kalahari San communities but also the local community where I am now based in KZN. We decided to work together with the "South Coast Dutch Reformed Church", Amanzimtoti through the "Deo Laudes" (Praise the Lord) Volunteer Group.


In the days and times that we live in we experience on a daily basis that there are many hurting and needy communities, people and families who are in urgent need of accommodation, healthcare and basic necessities such as food and clothing. Many cannot afford the high cost of living and in many cases decent affordable accommodation is not possible, the daily purchase of basic food and clothing is also not possible as many are not working or do not earn enough to support themselves or a family. The elderly and children suffer the most.

Through the ‘Deo Laudes’ Volunteer Group and under auspices of the South Coast Dutch Reformed Church, Amanzimtoti we have various welfare projects under control and supervision of the KZN Christian Social Services. With volunteer workers and relying entirely on donations we assist individual families or welfare projects as much as possible with accommodation, furniture, bedding, linen, crockery/cutlery, curtains and basic food and clothing. Some of our projects include, but are not limited to;

> Various Caravan Parks where people in need live
> Palm Tree Children’s Home and Pre Primary School
> Kwa Makutha Crèche
> ‘One Stop Retirement Village’ and shelter for the homeless
> Seed of Hope Centre
> ‘Poinsettia Park’ – Amanzimtoti Welfare Organisation for the Aged
> ‘Residentia Mooihawens’ – Retirement Home
> ‘Jabulani’ – Retirement Units
> Annual Out Reaches to communities in need in Swaziland and Botswana
> ‘Biblia’ Ministry – Durban Harbour Outreach to all sailors/ship crews
> ROA – “Reach Out Africa” assisting Kalahari San (Bushman) communities
> AMCUP – Amanzimtoti Community Upliftment Project
> KZN ‘Christian Social Services’

As can be seen there is a huge need and demand for help. Without the involvement and funding, support and donations of private individuals, communities, families, local Churches, volunteers and business, it will be near impossible to assist the many needy people. We invite and approach you, your family, your Church and the business community for assistance by providing us with donations of rejects or excess products, perishable or non-perishable goods and clothing. There is also a huge shortage of Bibles, Christian books/literature, educational materials for children, wheelchairs/crutches/walkers for the disabled/Aged.

"The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Therefore we pray the Lord of the harvest, that he will thrust forth labourers into his harvest"
Matthew 9:37-38

We will keep you up-dated as we continue to plan for the next outreach to the Kalahari San.

Thank you to all our prayer partners, supporters, volunteers and generous donors. Without you, all of our efforts will be much more challenging.

For news and up-dates see; and                

Monday 18 April 2016

“The Order of Christian Service”

South Africa

‘Reach Out Africa’ (Humanitarian & Empowerment Aid)

 Kalahari San, Botswana

We thank our Heavenly Father for the privelage to be of service to Him. Thank you to our prayer partners and supporters for the donations, contributions and prayers, without your efforts it would have been a more challenging mission. We give you a short breakdown of the "Reach Out Africa" project since 2011.

"I know the plans I have for you, Plans of peace and not of evil, Plans of prosperity and not calamity, To give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

Services and Donations to the community of New Xanagas, Botswana 2011 to 2016 

2011 - Assisted the community with the New Xanagas Educational Empowerment Business Plan and Values Based Training Centre Plan.

2012 - Arranged Easter Outreach in New Xanagas with Campus Crusade for Christ/Jesus Film Project, South Africa, Namibia and Botswana. Received clothing, food, DVD projector, Bibles, books, DVD’s, ministry training, distributed clothing to the old, blind, disabled and orphans. Received shade-net and built temporary shade-net home for destitute old San couple. Coordinated and accompanied traditional dance group Nc’aa Nc’aa’se to Cape town South Africa, they performed at !Khwattu San Educational Centre. Assisted the community with the New Xanagas Educational Empowerment Business Plan and Values Based Training Centre Plan.

2013 - Received donations by cargo from various donors and Methodist Churches in Cape Town – camping tents, office equipment and furniture, desktop computer and distributed clothing to the old, blind, disabled, most needy and orphans. Nelson Mandela Day distributed food to old and sick (donors Reformed Church and Private donors). Outreach by Campus Crusade, Botswana & USA, Christmas Service in Community Hall – handed out Christmas hampers and Bibles donated by Minister C. De Graaff. Delivered Christmas lunch to old, blind and sick.    

Assisted the community with the New Xanagas Educational Empowerment Business Plan and Values Based Training Centre Plan in line with Botswana Governments Vision 2016 program.                                  

2014 - Donations of clothing and GNLD nutritional food supplements handed to sick and old. Received 2 x Laptop computers from Nedbank and one Laptop from private donor Mrs. C. Herrewyn, South Africa. Assisted the community with the New Xanagas Educational Empowerment Business Plan and Values Based Training Centre Plan, which is in-line with the Botswana Governments Vision 2016 program.     

2015 -  Received donations of 80 x Davar Solar Audio Bibles from Davar and Campus Crusade for Christ/Jesus Film Project, USA (Content Naro San New Testament, Setswana Full Bible, English Full Bible, Jesus Film Audio and Christian songs) – handed Solar Bibles to the blind, illiterate, the old and sick. Received donations from Derek Prince Ministries - books, DVD’s, CD’s to be used in library and ministry training. In October we received 3 more Laptops from Nedbank, SA.
2014 – 2015 - Assisted three young San from New Xanagas to attend the course in Community Based Tourism at !Khwattu San Educational Training Centre in South Africa. Donations were officially handed to the New Xanagas community = 1 x Safari Bow Tent, 1 x Office Desk, 1 x Executive Office chair, 1 x Filing Cabinet, 1 x Large 2 door Wood Cupboard, 1 x Steel Work Bench, 1 x Ryobi Cordless Drill, 1 x Dell Desk Top Computer Screen, 2 x Dell Computer keyboards, 1 x HP Laptop (pvt donor), 5 x Dell Laptops (Nedbank SA), 1 x HP Three in One Printer/Copier/Fax/Photo station, 1 x Samsung Printer/Fax/Copier, 1 x Vista Solar Backpack DVD Projector,1 x Epson DVD Projector, 80 x Davar Solar Audio Bibles, 20 x Derek Prince Ministries DVD’s/CD’s, 25 x Derek Prince Ministries, Teaching/Training Books and 20 x Campus Crusade/Jesus Film Project DVD’s . We continue to assist the community of New Xanagas to implement the New Xanagas Educational Empowerment Business Plan and Values Based Training Centre Plan - in line with Botswana Governments Vision 2016 program. We managed another Christmas Service and Christmas lunch for the community. A wholesome Christmas lunch was delivered to the old/blind/disabled at there home.
 2016 -
Assisted Campus Crusade for Christ and students from Gaborone University to spend seven days with the community in New Xanagas. The students washed clothing, carried water, collected fire wood and prayed with the old/blind/disabled and ill. At the showing of the Jesus Film in Setswana, seven young people excepted Jesus as there Lord and Saviour.
The final Business and Financial Plan for the New Xanagas Game Farm and Lodge was handed to the New Xanagas Kuru-A-Boo Community Trust who together with the Technical Advisory Committee have started the process to establish the New Xanagas Game Farm and Lodge ASAP.
"God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us." Ephesians 3:20                      

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Donation of 80 Davar Solar Audio Bibles
 for the Kalahari San
As a result of the story of the Blind Bushman below we were blessed to
receive a donation of 80 Solar Audio Bibles from the Jesus Film Project, US.
The content of each Solar Bible was the Bible in English and Setswana,
The Naro San New Testament, the Jesus Film Audio and some praise and
worship music. In 2015 we managed to hand these Solar Bibles to not only the
Kalahari San, but also Herero and Setswana members of communities, as well as 
the blind, partially sighted/near sighted, those that could not read, the old and our
Bible Study group. 
Blind Bushman Holds to the Word
September 2014


“On handing out some clothing and food we came across a very old and blind man. On his lap was the
solar audio Bible. He was holding on to God, listening to the Naro language Bible translation.  
His family told us that this old man ‘with no eyes’ listens to the word of God day and night and has
started referring to Bible verses when speaking to the family.” - Martin Erasmus, Reach Out Africa*,
working with the Kalahari San people in Botswana.

Over 100,000 of the Kalahari San (Bushmen), still live in the
Kalahari Desert of South Africa, Namibia and Botswana.
They are historically a nomadic people with a rich culture of    
oral storytelling.
With the rise of national boundaries and land ownership, the
majority of the San people are no longer able to be nomads as
they are accustomed, and hence are struggling to learn new
ways of employment and lifestyle.

This has proven very difficult for the San, and many in
their  communities die from hunger or curable disease.

The Naro speaking San people have been a large priority to us at Davar, and first weighed heavily on our hearts in the early stages of producing the Audibible®. It was wonderful to hear this recent testimony about the blind Bushman hearing about the truth of the Word in his heart language.
The Naro New Testament was the first audio Bible that we had the privilege of recording and distributing in 2012, and since then we have heard many stories about how God is speaking His hope and truth in “hopeless” places. But the need continues!

Martin Erasmus, our friend and partner with Reach Out Africa, also shared this: “Your blessing of the Audibible helps so much with these remote and isolated people. We continue to pray for donations of Audibibles so that we can supply at least one to every family of about 15,000 Naro speaking San in Botswana.”

He continues: “To me it is such an inspiration, honour and privilege to be involved in this calling. And when we see God's presence at work in these desperate and dire situations, it only confirms that our work is not for naught - God is in town.

Thank you for standing with us in giving and in prayer for these people. Those who sit in darkness are indeed seeing a great light! “The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned." – Matthew 4:16
Serving Bible-less oral people together,




Saturday 12 March 2016

Called and Saved to Serve!

Proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to all Nations
“So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”
Galatians 6:10 

With God living on the inside of us, we have the privilege of seeing others the way He sees them. We can love them with His love and touch their lives with His peace. In God’s kingdom, greatness is demonstrated by our serving others, just as Christ did. As Christians we have been called and saved to serve – a living sacrifice. What can we do to help someone today?

Reach Out and touch Love
 Creating, working and giving is Love made visible
 God is Love.


For one week in January 2016 we had the privilege to have 20 young people, staff from Campus Crusade for Christ/Jesus Film Project and students from Gaborone University visit us on an outreach. The visit was blessed with us being able to arrange for very scarce accommodation in New Xanagas, especially for such a large group. We managed to obtain the semi complete renovated community hall for the men and the Social and Community Development Officer gave us her two bed roomed house for the Ladies. The Police Station Commander from Kalkfontein borrowed us two tents as back up.

During a heat wave with temperatures ranging from 38 to 45 degrees the visiting team inspired all with early morning exercise and prayers. All were invited to the Great Commission Ministry Course, they split up into various teams, witnessed, visited and prayed with all in the community – did washing of clothing and blankets, carried water and wood to the old, had fun donkey and horse rides and played games with the children. The Wednesday evening we showed the movie “Left Behind” – about the rapture/blessed hope, which had a huge impact on those present. Friday night the “Jesus Film” in Setswana was shown outdoors in the Kgotla (village square). The film was shown on the big screen with the Cine reel camera and several students gave their testimonies when the film-reel was changed. Seven young people accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour. We Praise and thank our Lord for the Campus Crusade team and for the wonderful work done during the short visit to New Xanagas.        

Friday 11 March 2016

2015 - Christmas in New Xanagas, Botswana
“John replied, ‘a man can receive nothing (he can claim nothing at all) unless it has been granted to him from heaven’ (for there is no other source than the sovereign will of God).”

John 3:27

 God has given us everything we need to live full, prosperous lives in Him. He has blessed us with diverse gifts, skills and talents to be used with joy for His glory! So lets never loose sight of the truth that everything that is good in us, and everything we have, has been given to us by God for a purpose, To Bless Others!

We thank our Heavenly Father for the opportunity and the gift to be able to offer the community of New Xanagas a Christmas Service and a Christmas lunch. We thank everyone for donations of food and donations of funds, we thank all for the contributions and the small local Bible study group who worked so hard to put all together. Thank you to Pastors of the Churches in New Xanagas who attended, who blessed and gave a message of joy, peace and hope for all.

We managed to make Christmas hampers for all – knickknacks, sweets, cookies and cold drink, handed out after lunch. In sweltering heat and till late in the afternoon we delivered Christmas lunch to homes, with Blessing (the Tazz) - to the old, the ill, the blind and disabled. It was very rewarding and a blessing indeed to see and experience the happy smiles and here the excited giggles, laughter and chatter when we delivered the much needed wholesome meal. Our Lord Jesus Christ was smiling down on all!