Tuesday 12 April 2016

Donation of 80 Davar Solar Audio Bibles
 for the Kalahari San
As a result of the story of the Blind Bushman below we were blessed to
receive a donation of 80 Solar Audio Bibles from the Jesus Film Project, US.
The content of each Solar Bible was the Bible in English and Setswana,
The Naro San New Testament, the Jesus Film Audio and some praise and
worship music. In 2015 we managed to hand these Solar Bibles to not only the
Kalahari San, but also Herero and Setswana members of communities, as well as 
the blind, partially sighted/near sighted, those that could not read, the old and our
Bible Study group. 
Blind Bushman Holds to the Word
September 2014


“On handing out some clothing and food we came across a very old and blind man. On his lap was the
solar audio Bible. He was holding on to God, listening to the Naro language Bible translation.  
His family told us that this old man ‘with no eyes’ listens to the word of God day and night and has
started referring to Bible verses when speaking to the family.” - Martin Erasmus, Reach Out Africa*,
working with the Kalahari San people in Botswana.

Over 100,000 of the Kalahari San (Bushmen), still live in the
Kalahari Desert of South Africa, Namibia and Botswana.
They are historically a nomadic people with a rich culture of    
oral storytelling.
With the rise of national boundaries and land ownership, the
majority of the San people are no longer able to be nomads as
they are accustomed, and hence are struggling to learn new
ways of employment and lifestyle.

This has proven very difficult for the San, and many in
their  communities die from hunger or curable disease.

The Naro speaking San people have been a large priority to us at Davar, and first weighed heavily on our hearts in the early stages of producing the Audibible®. It was wonderful to hear this recent testimony about the blind Bushman hearing about the truth of the Word in his heart language.
The Naro New Testament was the first audio Bible that we had the privilege of recording and distributing in 2012, and since then we have heard many stories about how God is speaking His hope and truth in “hopeless” places. But the need continues!

Martin Erasmus, our friend and partner with Reach Out Africa, also shared this: “Your blessing of the Audibible helps so much with these remote and isolated people. We continue to pray for donations of Audibibles so that we can supply at least one to every family of about 15,000 Naro speaking San in Botswana.”

He continues: “To me it is such an inspiration, honour and privilege to be involved in this calling. And when we see God's presence at work in these desperate and dire situations, it only confirms that our work is not for naught - God is in town.

Thank you for standing with us in giving and in prayer for these people. Those who sit in darkness are indeed seeing a great light! “The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned." – Matthew 4:16
Serving Bible-less oral people together,




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