Sunday 10 March 2013

The Greatest Command


The Greatest Law / Command Poster

The “Greatest Law / Command Posters” are further learning tools for communities, families, pre-primary & high school children. Ideal for children, this full colour poster illustrates God’s Greatest Command – the command of LOVE – in a very simple way. A tricycle (for juniors) and a bicycle (for seniors) are used respectively on these posters as examples to illustrate God’s LOVE.

The full colour “Greatest Law Posters” are constructed in such a manner that a game similar to “snakes & ladders” can be played on the poster. The Posters teach the Lord’s Prayer and contains lyrics of popular spiritual songs that can be taught to children, families and communities. This poster is a very effective ministry tool to teach and create the awareness of the meaning of the Love of God.

Christ Himself said that the greatest commandment is:
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength”  (Mark 12:30-31)

Donations / Orders:

Broad, Narrow and Repentance Road Poster                         R 2,00 ea

Greatest Law / Command Poster                                            R 5, 00 ea

GAP – God’s Answer Poster                                                  R 10, 00 ea

           (Explaining Creation & the Bible)

Email us on to place an order or if you would like to donate towards the distribution of all the Posters.  

OCS - The Order Of Christian Service

Mobile: +27 83 225 4263 / + 27 79 605 1049.

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