Tuesday 12 March 2013

Broad, Narrow and Repentance Road



The popular “Broad & Narrow Road Posters” has been distributed all over the world since 1867. Many of us can remember them hanging in homes, churches and schools. In our modern world these posters seem to have disappeared, however, the dream & vision of one lady’s “pictures with a message” continues to touch the lives of millions as the massive mobilisation with the distribution of this very helpful ministry & evangelical tool continues.

1862 – The original idea and designer of the “Broad & Narrow Road Poster” came from Mrs. Charlotte Reihlen of Stuttgart. The Artist, Herr Schacker did the original drawings, sketches and artwork on strict instructions from Mrs Reihlen. In 1867 the German Evangelical Society published the first posters in Dutch.

1883 – Morgan and Scott issued the full colour “English Shilling Edition” in October 1883. The demand for these “pictures with a message” was so great that over a 5year period more than 100 000 were sold, distributed and used by missionaries and churches all over the world.

1997 – Advent 2000 in South Africa started with the production, re-introduction and distribution of the new “Broad, Narrow and Repentance Road Posters” with a few small but necessary changes. These changes include a more “modern” depiction of sins on the “Broad & Narrow Road” as well as an all-important “repentance path” to the Narrow Road. To date more than 2.2million of these “Broad, Narrow and Repentance Road Posters” have been distributed in 37 languages.

The “Broad, Narrow and Repentance Road Posters” are designed to teach and spread the Word of God as fast as possible throughout the world, even to the illiterate. The Poster is very easy to use and within a few minutes even a layman can understand and explain what it means and how it can be used.

The Poster consists of three basic points:

Ø                  “find yourself”

Ø                  “where are you going?”

Ø                  “are you satisfied with your future?”

Scripture verses are quoted at the bottom of the poster to further explain each numbered drawing and the poster shows the road to conversion. Many thousands of people, the young and the old, have been converted with the aid of this ministry tool.
Donations / Orders:

Broad, Narrow and Repentance Road Poster       R 2,00 ea

Greatest Law / Command Poster                          R 5, 00 ea

GAP – God’s Answer Poster                                R 10, 00 ea
(Explaining Creation & the Bible)

Email us on martin@art-me-africa.com to place an order or if you would like to donate towards the distribution of all the Posters.  

OCS - The Order Of Christian Service

Mobile: +27 83 225 4263 / + 27 79 605 1049.
More details on www.Godsanswer.co.za

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