Sunday 10 March 2013



God’s Answer Poster

“Then Jesus came to them and said, “ All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you, and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”
(Matthew 28:18-20)

The “Broad, Narrow and Repentance Road Posters” has had so much success over many years, but the fast changing advanced youth of the world is in so much need of guidance and support regarding the message of God’s Grace and Love. Consequently the concept to depict creation and the complete Bible in a visual way was born by Advent 2000 and the first GAP “God’s Answer Poster” was published in early 2012.

The full colour “God’s Answer Poster” summarises Creation and the Holy Bible in a series of drawings. It contains 98 questions frequently asked about life, and answers are given from the Bible with scripture as reference. Thousands of people (adults & children) do not know the Bible or how to live or abide by it in everyday life. GAP clearly shows the solar system that we live in as created by God, with different time periods and it gives us a glimpse into the future with the Second Coming of Christ and the eternal banishment of sinners. GAP is another innovative and much needed learning and teaching tool that needs to be distributed to communities, families, schools and churches. 

Donations / Orders:

Broad, Narrow and Repentance Road Poster             R 2,00 ea

Greatest Law / Command Poster                               R 5, 00 ea

GAP – God’s Answer Poster                                    R 10, 00 ea

           (Explaining Creation & the Bible)

Email us on to place an order or if you would like to donate towards the distribution of all the Posters.  


OCS - The Order Of Christian Service

Mobile: +27 83 225 4263 / + 27 79 605 1049.


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