Monday 18 February 2013



Holy Chaos - A 6 500 km trip from Cape Town through Namibia to Botswana and back, in one week with faithful Blessing (Tazz). Not going into detail I was refused entry into Botswana and I was bitterly disappointed. I did not agree with the Botswana Department of Immigration / Customs and short of being locked-up and deported, we managed to get 5 extra days so that I could just inform all, find finances for the un-planned return trip to Cape Town and arrange for my speedy exit out of the Kalahari. I now need to apply for the 2-year volunteer residents permit from SA. Through the mad rush and travelling back to SA we asked God if it was a sign that I should leave this specific San (Bushman) assignment, what must I do?

Music, singing and dancing profoundly affects the human spirit. The San are worshipping people who express that worship in song and dance. For the San, young and old, singing and dancing together is a way of life, it highlights and strengthens the sense of worship and fellowship as they sing and dance together. At my home in the San Village of New Xanagas, neighbouring children visit me in the evening, asking for food, drinking my last sip of coffee in the coffee cup or just playing around, teaching me to count in Naro or looking and laughing at there reflections and warped mirror images on Blessing.

While preparing for my hasty return to Cape Town, one evening last week, thinking and deciding about what to do about my predicament and the residents permit, two of my adopted children spontaneously start to dance around Blessing, like worship and praise - they sing a Naro San song and all I understand is "Jesu" and then - as I look up, I see the promise, a rainbow. I have not seen a rainbow in a long time, not even while in Cape Town. The next day I travel to Ghanzi to store some of my things, stopping at one of many roadside picnic areas, I find a cross on a tree - another promise and sign. Thank you Jesu for showing me your almighty grace and love.


Lent is a time when we are open to tempting and testing of the Spirit of God – we are tempted to respond with anger and violence, tempted to give up hope, tempted to see our lives as written off. There are many powerful forces ranged against the gospel today. These forces are in your heart and mine, as Christ continues to walk with us, to warn us, to teach us and to be with us always, in our struggle.

God, only with you can we bear to see the worst.

Surprise me, be with me, but do not spare me;

And make me ponder anew.



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