Tuesday 19 February 2013

I am my 'Fathers' Son


 As a result of an outreach to the San Village of New Xanagas, Botswana in April 2012 by Campus Crusade for Christ, GAINSA and the Jesus Film Project, we managed to build a temporary shade-net home for an old couple. They basically lived under trees with very little shelter from the harsh Kalahari conditions. Read more www.paintingangles.blogspot.com - May 2012 “Blessing and Holy Spirit at work” and on www.worldwidechallenge.org magazine article “Shelter in the Kalahari” January/February 2013 issue.
When we first met this couple, the old man was lying down most of the time; he was sick and weak, with a very low spirit and very little hope. One year later it is amazing and remarkable to see the transformation in the happy couple now living in their new safe and sheltered home. The old man is walking around smiling, chatting showing us his home and he has a spring in the step.


“Listen, my dear brothers! God chose the poor people of this world to be rich in faith and to possess the kingdom which he promised to those who love Him”

- James 2:5 -


Donations of shade-net have given us the opportunity to build homes for the many needy families. Unfortunately and as with most communities today, political in fighting, jealousy, corruption, greed and injustice has hampered efforts to build further donated homes to the most needy, who continue to suffer in silence. However, in this San village and in spite of many pitfalls, the message of hope and God’s love has inspired many San to start working towards helping each other and they are now working hard at starting a Community Empowerment and Training centre. The New Xanagas San community has realised they cannot only rely on handouts and are no longer waiting for help from out-reach teams or religious organisations. They have some donated shade-net left, donations received from Campus Crusade for Christ and GAINSA and they have decided to build the second house for the most needy, themselves.


“My brothers, what good is it for someone to say that he has faith if his actions do not prove it? Can that faith save him? Suppose there are brothers or sisters who need clothes and don’t have enough to eat.  What good is there in your saying to them, “God bless you! Keep warm and eat well! – If you don’t give them the necessities of life? So it is with faith; if it is alone and includes no actions, then it is dead.”

- James 2:15-17 -
I am my "Fathers" son
The next home will be built for an old grandfather (95 or 96 years old); they think his wife is 92 years old. As a result of alcohol abuse, AIDS, TB, death, poverty, teenage pregnancy and many parents just abandoning children, this old couple look after there own grown-up children, grand children and great grand children. They have three dilapidated mud-huts on their allocated stand of land. In most of the huts mud has fallen of the walls creating gaping holes. In the rainy season all the roofs leak and none of the huts have doors. In 2012 four of the grand children contracted TB, they were cured after six months treatment, but the old couple think that the children will get TB again this season. In the rainy season all sleep with sopping wet clothing and blankets. They old bushman receives a meagre pension and sometimes they have to feed up to 10 to 15 people.

In spite of this extremely difficult situation the old bushman is the most devoted Christian I have ever met. He always attends church and always thanks Jesu for all he receives. “I am my Fathers son! My Father looks after me! Thank you Jesu!!”   

The old bushman still lives of the land, collects herbs, berries and food from the veldt, “the food my Father gives me, my Father knows what and how much we need” He talks about the good old days when there was much food to hunt and when they only hunted enough for the hunger, never waist or hunting for fun. Now they are not allowed to hunt and the animals hide away, we are destroying creation. Our Father is watching closely and we must ask our Father for forgiveness. Our Father loves us and wants to help us, all we must do is listen and be thankful. Thank you Jesu!!

 “Share your food with the hungry and open your homes to the homeless poor. Give clothes to those who have nothing to wear, and do not refuse to help your own relatives. If you give food to the hungry and satisfy those who are in need, then the darkness around you will turn to the brightness of noon”

- Isaiah 58:7 and 10 -

Reach Out - you can help - contact us email: 

Monday 18 February 2013



Holy Chaos - A 6 500 km trip from Cape Town through Namibia to Botswana and back, in one week with faithful Blessing (Tazz). Not going into detail I was refused entry into Botswana and I was bitterly disappointed. I did not agree with the Botswana Department of Immigration / Customs and short of being locked-up and deported, we managed to get 5 extra days so that I could just inform all, find finances for the un-planned return trip to Cape Town and arrange for my speedy exit out of the Kalahari. I now need to apply for the 2-year volunteer residents permit from SA. Through the mad rush and travelling back to SA we asked God if it was a sign that I should leave this specific San (Bushman) assignment, what must I do?

Music, singing and dancing profoundly affects the human spirit. The San are worshipping people who express that worship in song and dance. For the San, young and old, singing and dancing together is a way of life, it highlights and strengthens the sense of worship and fellowship as they sing and dance together. At my home in the San Village of New Xanagas, neighbouring children visit me in the evening, asking for food, drinking my last sip of coffee in the coffee cup or just playing around, teaching me to count in Naro or looking and laughing at there reflections and warped mirror images on Blessing.

While preparing for my hasty return to Cape Town, one evening last week, thinking and deciding about what to do about my predicament and the residents permit, two of my adopted children spontaneously start to dance around Blessing, like worship and praise - they sing a Naro San song and all I understand is "Jesu" and then - as I look up, I see the promise, a rainbow. I have not seen a rainbow in a long time, not even while in Cape Town. The next day I travel to Ghanzi to store some of my things, stopping at one of many roadside picnic areas, I find a cross on a tree - another promise and sign. Thank you Jesu for showing me your almighty grace and love.


Lent is a time when we are open to tempting and testing of the Spirit of God – we are tempted to respond with anger and violence, tempted to give up hope, tempted to see our lives as written off. There are many powerful forces ranged against the gospel today. These forces are in your heart and mine, as Christ continues to walk with us, to warn us, to teach us and to be with us always, in our struggle.

God, only with you can we bear to see the worst.

Surprise me, be with me, but do not spare me;

And make me ponder anew.
