Friday 12 June 2015




On the beach, on 18 July 2010 (the late Nelson Mandela’s birthday), I picked up a perfectly round stone lying at my feet in the shallows in the sea sand. It was an extremely sad day in our family’s lives, but the moment I picked up that tiny round stone I knew that I had to hold on to and carry it close to my heart. It was a gift from my grandson, our David Warrior, Adrian Phillip Herrewyn (2), who passed away earlier that day. Adrian loved the story of David and Goliath and the family always told him this story. I did not know why at the time, but holding and feeling the texture of the tiny round stone instinctively made everything become real and alive in a strange way. I felt that I suddenly became part of an amazing and exciting life drama, the story of David, and that all will be well, “David’s Stone” made me feel safe and at peace. One week later I had a leather pouch made (sling shot) and ever since I carry “David’s Stone” around my neck and close to my heart.


“Let love and faithfulness never leave you: bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.”

(Proverbs 3:3)

Five years later in 2015, I continue to receive very clear confirmation through God’s Living Word, the Holy Spirit, visions and dreams that I must continue to hold and carry “David’s Stone” close to my heart. Ebenezer means “stone of help” (1 Samuel 7:1-2). “David’s Stone” is my “stone of help”. As I carry this stone, I have given “David’s Stone” to the Lord as a testimony to celebrate God’s grace in my life. It reminds me, and everyone who sees the tiny perfectly round stone and hears my testimony, that no matter your circumstances and the battles you have to fight, through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, He always gives us victory and He will continue to safeguard us against the Giants we have to face.


“As Goliath came near (closer to attack him) David ran quickly (toward the battle line) to meet him”

(1 Samuel 17:48)

 Since we started “Reach Out Africa” 5 years ago the devil has tried to stop our mission calling in many ways and continues to place Giant obstacles in our way. We continue to have visa, work and residents permit problems, Blessing (the Tazz) had to get major repairs done to the engine and then I had to have major repairs done to myself, with back problems (currently still under Dr’s orders and treatment). Some days I feel frustrated, it feels like I am doing nothing and then I am surprised how the Lord continues to use me to reach out to others. The garage where Blessing had to be repaired belongs to Muslims. From the beginning all at the garage wanted to know how Blessing came to all the Kalahari sand and dust, which buy now has crept into all the little crevices and holes, and I have told all at the garage my story/testimony. One particular guy always asks me more about my travels and mission work. Then one day he asks me if he can help with donations of food and clothing, and off course I am very great full and pleased with that. He then asks me if I have something for him so that he can learn more about Jesus. Glory! I delivered the Jesus Film, Magdalena and Walking with Jesus DVD’s to him the other day and then a Hindu working at the same garage asked me if he can also have the Jesus Film - God is great!   


“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us” 

(Ephesians 3:20)

The time away from the Kalahari San gives me the opportunity to do admin, some marketing and planning, read and study the Bible and it has strengthened my faith tremendously. As I now have time to listen to God and write the book” David’s Stone” (an ongoing testimony), I am confident and know that victory is ours. It has been a battle royal some days, we have our ups and downs, we get negatively influenced and with me when I have a lot of back-pain, I feel frustrated at not being able to do normal daily chores or even drive my car, it then seems so easy to just give up. Then the Lord speaks to me in dreams or sends messages of support via prayer partners or the Kalahari San. For 5 years now I have lived among the Kalahari San (for periods ranging 3 to 8 months at a time). Together with the San I have experienced how they live every day of their life in very, very tough conditions, with very little funds, very little or no food or water for up to 3 days, with persecution and spiritual battles from all sides. Despite everything against them, the sad and desperate history of this tribe; the San are very proud of their heritage and culture. Through faith the small group of San who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour, continue to be a catalyst and inspiration to all when they boldly face the many giants placed in there way, showing that through Jesus everything is not lost and through faith victory is always achieved. 

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”

(Philippians 4:6-7)



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