Saturday 31 January 2015



(Romans 12)

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations”

 (Matt 28:19)

With blind faith and one thing in my head, to visit and see how the Kalahari San live, we started this incredible journey in 2011 and with “Blessing” the Toyota Tazz packed to the rafters with camping gear, the Jesus and Magdalena Films, Broad & Narrow Way Posters, some Bibles, very little funds and much criticism, we set out to visit isolated San villages in the Kalahari. In three months we travelled from Cape Town to Johannesburg/Pretoria, Botswana, Namibia, Angola, Namibia, Botswana and back to Cape Town.
From the outset the Devil tried to stop me and at times it was very difficult not to give up. In Namibia I hit a cow side on with “Blessing” and I had to replace the main headlight, the little money that I had was stolen/siphoned out of my bank account. In 2012 in Botswana i hit a steenbok head on at 130km, with major damage to the engine. Every time God sent amazing people to stand together and help me to get back on the road again. For over four years now we have travelled on the very bad and/or non existent roads and many repairs have been made with "blou draad en tang" or cable ties, we have delivered the Good news and Message of Christ using the Jesus Film/Magdalena, gave Solar Audio Bibles to the blind, provided food for the disabled, sick and very old, children spontaneously sing and dance around “Blessing” when we arrive in a village, water, food, clothing, compressors, large African cooking pots, chickens etc. have been transported (it was very close in having a coffin with deceased young man on the roof when the hearse broke down). Truly a Blessing, remarkable and reliable car.

We are in a constant battle, a Spiritual Warfare, and our faith is always tested by obstacles in our life. The more work we do in Jesus name and the more sacrifices we make, the more Satan gets aggravated, he tries to attach sickness to your body, lack to your finances, chaos to your home and confusion to your mind. Through the Lord Jesus Christ we can change all these tests into a testimony. On my four year quest to discover my purpose I have found that with God all thing are possible and that we are all created to be of service to others A Living sacrifice & Love in action - Reach Out and Touch Love - Creating, Working and Giving is Love made Visible - God Is Love!

 I am so great full for God's Living Word, the Bible, many prayer partners and Christian literature. Specifically books and teachings from the late and great Christian leader Dr Myles Munroe. I recommend these two books "Understanding Your Potential" and "Maximise Your Potential". I quote from these books:-

“Satan is our enemy. He wants to destroy the power of God within us so that God’s glory is not revealed in us. He’s out to destroy all we could be because he knows that those who become re-rooted in God have the ability to act like God, showing his nature and likeness. The key to releasing God’s power within you is living with Him in a relationship of obedience and submission. You are filled with heavenly wisdom, but you have to follow God’s program to benefit from it.  

We are all created because there is something God wants done that demands your presence on this planet. You were created with inherent abilities, talents, gifts, and inclinations to fulfil this purpose. The responsibility to use what God has stored within you is yours alone. Satan is the enemy of your created potential. The minute we have a good idea, the deceiver will send someone to criticize our dreams (or do something to hinder you) because he cannot permit us to accomplish our vision. As long as we are only dreaming, he is safe and he'll let us alone. When we begin to act on our dreams, he will hit us full force.

Potential is fulfilled only when it is given to others. God, who is Love, created man to fulfil his potential to love. Love is worthless until it is given away. It must have an object to be fulfilled. Therefore God needed something on which He could lavish his love, something that could understand and appreciate what He had to give. Of all God’s creatures, only men and women share God’s Spirit and, thus, can appreciate His love.

You are the object of God’s love. Because love can be fulfilled only when the receiver of love is like the giver, He created you like Himself, to be loved by Him and to love as He loves. Through giving love is released. Joy is found in participating in the pattern of giving, receiving, and giving again.”

Your created purpose is to be of service to others – a living sacrifice –












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