Wednesday 22 July 2015


 (REVELATIONS 19:11-16)

“I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron sceptre.” He treads the wine press of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:


Prophesy received 27 July 2015; Pastor Joh. W. Malutis (Berlin /Germany)

Share this with your Church, your cell groups, who ever may listen, - Repent! The day of our Lord is at hand!

May Father God bless you and open your heart as you read these words.

While I was praying this morning God gave me a vision. He showed me a great world-wide “mobilization”. I saw myself strolling along the beach. Suddenly, there sounded a loud boom, which became stronger and more massive. It was not the noise of the sea or of the wind. It was completely still outside. The sea water was as smooth as glass. The deep booming sound which was like the sound of the mountains about to cave in, a banging sound which I had up till now never heard in my whole life, it came from the other side of the ocean, from far away. It became so strong and mighty, that the earth began to quake and shake. It sounded like the blasting of a deep bass trumpet. I had never heard this sort and depth of bass sound before now. The whole air vibrated. I hold myself up in the dunes of the embankment face down, and waited to see what would come out of this natural spectacle.

When the booming refused to stop, and instead became stronger, I saw myself begin to pray in the vision, and to speak with God. Then I heard a voice saying -

“my child, fear not, that is my mobilization call, a signal, from the other world. I am calling my people out from all peoples. I myself am shaking the earth and the sea. The sinner’s and godless will pass away for fear and the fearful expectation of the things which are to come. Understand my child that all this has been initiated by the financial crises (we see the beginning with Greece’s financial crises). That was just the beginning of ruin. The foundation of today’s society will be so shaken that the people will lose all that they have acquired, and saved up till now. Every infrastructure and welfare will collapse with time. Life will be very difficult for many people. The general security will get out of control and there will be a proliferation of crime such that life on earth will be massively threatened. But you who fear my name will be safe from ruin. I am holding my arm of protection over you.”

Although not even a silent wind blew, and not even a small wave was seen on the sea, the booming was so mighty, that my heart threatened to stop beating. Then I thought to myself, “ I will now also die” And the Lord said to me, “my child, do not fear. You are to live and continue to declare my works. Arise, go home and tell your loved ones. Let them know that the coming of my son is very close at hand, at the doorstep. I am setting everything in motion in order to take my people home, and I am now stripping them of everything that is holding them back, or blocking them.”

As I stood up to obey God’s voice, starting to make my way homewards. I saw very many people lying in the dunes. They came out from their houses, racing towards the sea to see and experience this extraordinary natural spectacle. They lay on their faces as if paralysed, exactly as I had lain a few minutes before now. As I passed before them on my way home, despite the continuous distant booming sound, these people called to me, saying ”you are crazy; you cannot make it home in this situation. It is to dangerous.”  They then buried their heads even further in the dunes, because they feared what would happen next. They no longer wanted to hear or know of anything. And then the Lord said to me; “for you my children, who fear my name. This is the day of “mobilization”. For you “my sun of salvation” arises, with which I gather my true children and bring them together. Go my son, and tell this to everyone you can reach.” Then I ask the Lord “what shall I tell them?” “Tell my children, the Lord said, they are no longer to occupy themselves with perishable things, but rather, much more with the immortal, the eternal things. They are to seek me and study my word. They should forgive one another, so long as there is still time, and make peace with one another. They should stop being envious of, and pointing fingers at one another. They should not accuse or suspect one another. Repent, everyone….”

 (some text missing from WhatsApp message received).

 “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea (tsunamis). Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time, they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” 
- (Luke 21:25-28)

Biblical signs and prophecy indicate that that the rapture and second coming will occur soon. Since 911, attacks of suicide bombers (some of them by child bombers), attacks on churches and schools, attacks on innocent tourists on holiday, have escalated. As prophesised we see the persecution and beheading of Christians, even woman and children. Warnings from the earth with natural disasters, earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis. Escalation of corruption and crime in almost all governments. World economic finacial meltdown (Greece is no one). False prophets and religions – exceptance of gay marriages and gay pastors. Human trafficking of children. The rise of Islam/Issis/Antichrist who openly proclaim they want to control the world. As prophesised the world is already gathering, planning and preparing to attack the Jewish nation, Israel, the  Lords nation and people.

We live in the most dangerous time in history. We have reached a point where the world sits and waits for the next disaster to strike. The Word of God warns us that all the prophecies relating to the second advent would be fulfilled within a single generation. We may not know the exact date, but I am sure that many of us recognise the signs and know the general season for Christ’s return is eminent. 

 Are we ready for the end of time as we know it and what can we do to make sure we are ready?

“Be careful, or your hearts will be weighted down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap.” - (Luke 21:34) 

Sad to say, very few of earth’s inhabitants seem to be preparing themselves for what will soon come upon them, despite the fact that almost all the prophecies are being fulfilled around them. As the day of the Lord approaches, many professing Christians are living in a manner that can be described as careless, indifferent and worldly. Others are simply playing church, some Christians may have been ready to meet the Lord at some stage, but will no longer be so at the critical moment when He appears.

 “We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. For if the message spoken by angels was binding, and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment, how shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation?” – (Hebrews 2:1-3)

If reading the above causes you to become anxious about the state of your spiritual life, then there is still hope for you, because today is the day of salvation. If you are not sure that your sins have been forgiven and that you are ready to meet God, then you can follow the simple basic facts of the gospel. It is the duty of each and every responsible Christian, minister, preacher, laymen, gentile or Jew – to be thoroughly acquainted with these simple facts of the gospel of Christ and to urge all who here to make the definite, personal response to these facts which God requires.

 Basic facts of the Gospel and the response each person has to make.

1.                  Christ was delivered by God the Father to the punishment of death on account of      
                    our sins.

2.                  Christ was buried.

3.                  God raised Him from the dead on the third day.

4.                  Righteousness is received from God through believing these facts.

Do you believe these facts and have you made a personal response to God? If not, I urge you to pray with me. Say these words;

Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that you died for my sins; that You were buried; that You rose again the third day.

I now repent of my sins and come to You for mercy and forgiveness.

By faith in your promise, I receive You personally as my Saviour and confess You as my Lord.

Come into my heart, give me eternal life and make me a child of God.


Alternative prayer;

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the assurance in your Word that you will not turn me away if I come to You as a repentant sinner. I acknowledge my lost condition before You, even as I confess my sins, repent of them and forsake them. Please forgive me and help me to forgive any person who has wronged me. This I ask in the only name through which anyone can come to You, Jesus of Nazareth.

I now invite You to come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and cleanse me with your precious blood. Take control of my life as Lord and Saviour from this moment onwards. Make me a child of God and let me experience the inner witness of the Holy Spirit.

Father, please help me to live a life that is truly pleasing to You from now on. I receive your love and ask You to grant me the boldness to share it with others. All these things I ask in the name of Lord Jesus Christ.


We are living in the era that Jesus Christ can return to earth at any time. Continue to pray and seek God, read your Bible and study the Word of God.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations” - (Matthew 28:19) -

To be a Child of God and a professing Christian means that you have to share  this fact with others and spread the Gospel/The Word of God to all. Not only Priests, Pastors or Missionaries are expected to share the Gospel but all professing Christians. To ensure that you stay a Child of God, you must protect yourself from the onslaughts of the world and arm yourself against spiritual attacks from the devil. The only way to do this is to pray daily and read and study the Bible. Get involved in a Church or a Bible study group and make friends with fellow Christians.

“Finally, Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggles is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything to stand.
Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”

– (Ephesians 6:10-18) -

 I recommend you get the eye opener movie/DVD “Left Behind” and the “Left Behind” book series (11 books) by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B. Jenkins.



Friday 12 June 2015




On the beach, on 18 July 2010 (the late Nelson Mandela’s birthday), I picked up a perfectly round stone lying at my feet in the shallows in the sea sand. It was an extremely sad day in our family’s lives, but the moment I picked up that tiny round stone I knew that I had to hold on to and carry it close to my heart. It was a gift from my grandson, our David Warrior, Adrian Phillip Herrewyn (2), who passed away earlier that day. Adrian loved the story of David and Goliath and the family always told him this story. I did not know why at the time, but holding and feeling the texture of the tiny round stone instinctively made everything become real and alive in a strange way. I felt that I suddenly became part of an amazing and exciting life drama, the story of David, and that all will be well, “David’s Stone” made me feel safe and at peace. One week later I had a leather pouch made (sling shot) and ever since I carry “David’s Stone” around my neck and close to my heart.


“Let love and faithfulness never leave you: bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.”

(Proverbs 3:3)

Five years later in 2015, I continue to receive very clear confirmation through God’s Living Word, the Holy Spirit, visions and dreams that I must continue to hold and carry “David’s Stone” close to my heart. Ebenezer means “stone of help” (1 Samuel 7:1-2). “David’s Stone” is my “stone of help”. As I carry this stone, I have given “David’s Stone” to the Lord as a testimony to celebrate God’s grace in my life. It reminds me, and everyone who sees the tiny perfectly round stone and hears my testimony, that no matter your circumstances and the battles you have to fight, through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, He always gives us victory and He will continue to safeguard us against the Giants we have to face.


“As Goliath came near (closer to attack him) David ran quickly (toward the battle line) to meet him”

(1 Samuel 17:48)

 Since we started “Reach Out Africa” 5 years ago the devil has tried to stop our mission calling in many ways and continues to place Giant obstacles in our way. We continue to have visa, work and residents permit problems, Blessing (the Tazz) had to get major repairs done to the engine and then I had to have major repairs done to myself, with back problems (currently still under Dr’s orders and treatment). Some days I feel frustrated, it feels like I am doing nothing and then I am surprised how the Lord continues to use me to reach out to others. The garage where Blessing had to be repaired belongs to Muslims. From the beginning all at the garage wanted to know how Blessing came to all the Kalahari sand and dust, which buy now has crept into all the little crevices and holes, and I have told all at the garage my story/testimony. One particular guy always asks me more about my travels and mission work. Then one day he asks me if he can help with donations of food and clothing, and off course I am very great full and pleased with that. He then asks me if I have something for him so that he can learn more about Jesus. Glory! I delivered the Jesus Film, Magdalena and Walking with Jesus DVD’s to him the other day and then a Hindu working at the same garage asked me if he can also have the Jesus Film - God is great!   


“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us” 

(Ephesians 3:20)

The time away from the Kalahari San gives me the opportunity to do admin, some marketing and planning, read and study the Bible and it has strengthened my faith tremendously. As I now have time to listen to God and write the book” David’s Stone” (an ongoing testimony), I am confident and know that victory is ours. It has been a battle royal some days, we have our ups and downs, we get negatively influenced and with me when I have a lot of back-pain, I feel frustrated at not being able to do normal daily chores or even drive my car, it then seems so easy to just give up. Then the Lord speaks to me in dreams or sends messages of support via prayer partners or the Kalahari San. For 5 years now I have lived among the Kalahari San (for periods ranging 3 to 8 months at a time). Together with the San I have experienced how they live every day of their life in very, very tough conditions, with very little funds, very little or no food or water for up to 3 days, with persecution and spiritual battles from all sides. Despite everything against them, the sad and desperate history of this tribe; the San are very proud of their heritage and culture. Through faith the small group of San who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour, continue to be a catalyst and inspiration to all when they boldly face the many giants placed in there way, showing that through Jesus everything is not lost and through faith victory is always achieved. 

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”

(Philippians 4:6-7)



Saturday 31 January 2015



(Romans 12)

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations”

 (Matt 28:19)

With blind faith and one thing in my head, to visit and see how the Kalahari San live, we started this incredible journey in 2011 and with “Blessing” the Toyota Tazz packed to the rafters with camping gear, the Jesus and Magdalena Films, Broad & Narrow Way Posters, some Bibles, very little funds and much criticism, we set out to visit isolated San villages in the Kalahari. In three months we travelled from Cape Town to Johannesburg/Pretoria, Botswana, Namibia, Angola, Namibia, Botswana and back to Cape Town.
From the outset the Devil tried to stop me and at times it was very difficult not to give up. In Namibia I hit a cow side on with “Blessing” and I had to replace the main headlight, the little money that I had was stolen/siphoned out of my bank account. In 2012 in Botswana i hit a steenbok head on at 130km, with major damage to the engine. Every time God sent amazing people to stand together and help me to get back on the road again. For over four years now we have travelled on the very bad and/or non existent roads and many repairs have been made with "blou draad en tang" or cable ties, we have delivered the Good news and Message of Christ using the Jesus Film/Magdalena, gave Solar Audio Bibles to the blind, provided food for the disabled, sick and very old, children spontaneously sing and dance around “Blessing” when we arrive in a village, water, food, clothing, compressors, large African cooking pots, chickens etc. have been transported (it was very close in having a coffin with deceased young man on the roof when the hearse broke down). Truly a Blessing, remarkable and reliable car.

We are in a constant battle, a Spiritual Warfare, and our faith is always tested by obstacles in our life. The more work we do in Jesus name and the more sacrifices we make, the more Satan gets aggravated, he tries to attach sickness to your body, lack to your finances, chaos to your home and confusion to your mind. Through the Lord Jesus Christ we can change all these tests into a testimony. On my four year quest to discover my purpose I have found that with God all thing are possible and that we are all created to be of service to others A Living sacrifice & Love in action - Reach Out and Touch Love - Creating, Working and Giving is Love made Visible - God Is Love!

 I am so great full for God's Living Word, the Bible, many prayer partners and Christian literature. Specifically books and teachings from the late and great Christian leader Dr Myles Munroe. I recommend these two books "Understanding Your Potential" and "Maximise Your Potential". I quote from these books:-

“Satan is our enemy. He wants to destroy the power of God within us so that God’s glory is not revealed in us. He’s out to destroy all we could be because he knows that those who become re-rooted in God have the ability to act like God, showing his nature and likeness. The key to releasing God’s power within you is living with Him in a relationship of obedience and submission. You are filled with heavenly wisdom, but you have to follow God’s program to benefit from it.  

We are all created because there is something God wants done that demands your presence on this planet. You were created with inherent abilities, talents, gifts, and inclinations to fulfil this purpose. The responsibility to use what God has stored within you is yours alone. Satan is the enemy of your created potential. The minute we have a good idea, the deceiver will send someone to criticize our dreams (or do something to hinder you) because he cannot permit us to accomplish our vision. As long as we are only dreaming, he is safe and he'll let us alone. When we begin to act on our dreams, he will hit us full force.

Potential is fulfilled only when it is given to others. God, who is Love, created man to fulfil his potential to love. Love is worthless until it is given away. It must have an object to be fulfilled. Therefore God needed something on which He could lavish his love, something that could understand and appreciate what He had to give. Of all God’s creatures, only men and women share God’s Spirit and, thus, can appreciate His love.

You are the object of God’s love. Because love can be fulfilled only when the receiver of love is like the giver, He created you like Himself, to be loved by Him and to love as He loves. Through giving love is released. Joy is found in participating in the pattern of giving, receiving, and giving again.”

Your created purpose is to be of service to others – a living sacrifice –












Friday 30 January 2015

63% OF THE WORLDS POPULATION DO NOT READ - ileterate - functionally illiterate - blind - vision impaired   
As a result of the testimony below of the Blind Bushmen we received a donation of 80 Solar Audio Bibles which will be distributed among the Kalahari San (Content Naro San New Testemant, Story of Jesus Audio, Gospel songs in Naro and Setswana)

Blind Bushman Holds to the Word
September 2014


“On handing out some clothing and food we came across a very old and blind man. On his lap was the solar audio Bible. He was holding on to God, listening to the Naro language Bible translation. His family told us that this old man ‘with no eyes’ listens to the word of God day and night and has started referring to Bible verses when speaking to the family.” - Martin Erasmus, Reach Out Africa*, working with the Kalahari San people in Botswana.

Over 100,000 of the Kalahari San (Bushmen), still live in the Kalahari Desert of South Africa, Namibia and Botswana. They are historically a nomadic people with a rich culture of oral storytelling. With the rise of national boundaries and land ownership, the majority of the San people are no longer able to be nomads as they are accustomed, and hence are struggling to learn new ways of employment and lifestyle. This has proven very difficult for the San, and many in their communities die from hunger or curable disease.

 The Naro speaking San people have been a large priority to us at Davar, and first weighed heavily on our hearts in the early stages of producing the Audibible®. It was wonderful to hear this recent testimony about the blind Bushman hearing about the truth of the Word in his heart language.

The Naro New Testament was the first audio Bible that we had the privilege of recording and distributing in 2012, and since then we have heard many stories about how God is speaking His hope and truth in “hopeless” places. But the need continues!

Martin Erasmus, our friend and partner with Reach Out Africa, also shared this: “Your blessing of the Audibible helps so much with these remote and isolated people. We continue to pray for donations of Audibibles so that we can supply at least one to every family of about 15,000 Naro speaking San in Botswana.”

He continues: “To me it is such an inspiration, honour and privilege to be involved in this calling. And when we see God's presence at work in these desperate and dire situations, it only confirms that our work is not for naught - God is in town.

If you would like to help provide more Audibibles to the San people and others who are still in need of the Good News please consider giving today. Every $30 (R 300) provides one audio Bible and reaches out to hundreds of people who can hear God’s Word for the very first time. To make a donation, please click here.

Thank you for standing with us in giving and in prayer for these people. Those who sit in darkness are indeed seeing a great light! “The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned." – Matthew 4:16
Serving Bible-less oral people together,

* The “Reach Out Africa” campaign is a non-profit, non-racial, non-denominational Christian agency committed to offer humanitarian and empowerment aid to isolated and remote San (Bushmen) & African communities/villages…“Reach Out” through word and deed to empower poor hurting and needy isolated San & other African communities/villages, regardless of race or religion and assist them to alleviate spiritual, emotional and physical poverty.