Thursday 9 May 2013





On a recent retreat in the Western Cape with OCS – The Order of Christian Service, all attending home and field workers were treated with a bible study course (The heart of true faith) and faith revival/transformation DVD’s. We studied “The heart of faith – Loving God and others”. God’s LOVE is, will be and has been the main theme of life; it’s all about LOVE. We saw evidence that dedicated prayer creates an appetite for true spiritual revival and LOVE in churches, communities, business and governments.

 LOVE is the full measure of God’s Kingdom on earth. We saw how ongoing dedicated and committed prayer and LOVE for one another, transformed communities, villages, cities and nations and completely erased the negative effects of greed, corruption, hunger, poverty, alcohol and drug abuse and much more. 

 “And He said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, ‘you shall love your neighbour as yourself’. On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets”.

 - Matthew 22:37-40 -


As a Christian it is your created calling and responsibility to LOVE your neighbour and Reach Out to Others. Countless calls for help to missionaries/churches/faith-based organisations are received annually to help many hurting and needy communities and become more outreach-oriented. Then, when help is offered, people exert a minimal amount of effort to continue what God places as a top priority. Reaching out to others isn't something we should pay lip service to. It should be a top priority of living as a Christian.                      

It takes determination and commitment to stretch ourselves to show LOVE and help others, but that's how God wants us to live. God says that when you truly give and pour yourself out for others, He will use you. "Your light shall dawn in the darkness and your darkness shall be as the noonday" (Isaiah 58:10).
If you reach beyond your own situation and bring Christ's love to others, the circumstances you face will fade away and disappear. And you'll experience the wondrous joy of making a difference where it counts.
From the book Painting Angels (an ongoing testimony) –
Over the past four years I have experienced so much of God’s LOVE through all the tragedies, and in the joy, beauty and power of creation. How we LOVE and treat each other can affect our minds, bodies and souls and it is therefore clear and a simple fact that LOVE is really what this life is about. The characteristic of LOVE is spontaneity. In looking back we cannot tell why we did certain things, we did them according to the spontaneous nature of God’s LOVE in us.

Accept God’s LOVE and share it in your life. The only way to do this to seek to lead an exemplary life filled with LOVE which can only be found through the Spirit and originates in man’s inner being. Divine qualities are the only answer and it is our duty as God’s children/spiritual beings to protect and preserve the beauty of God’s Creation/Master Painting – our spiritual being and the Kingdom of God. The most basic and simple thing is to realise that God is and will always be in control of your life, human and spiritual, and that you have no option, but to accept his Divine LOVE and trust Him unconditionally. OK, you have an option, if you want one “your will be done” - to become your own creator master, like many of us do. You can continue to live a carefree life filled with many superficial pleasures, lots of money, greed and possessions – the result can only be disaster and all is temporary. All work every day and every moment of our life should be an act of LOVE / WORSHIP.

LOVE Yourself

“You shall love your neighbour as yourself”.

- Matthew 22:39 -

Many years ago I had art classes and when we arrived for class one day, each student was placed in front of a mirror and we were told to draw a self-portrait. The art teacher warned us that many people find it very difficult to study and sketch themselves in such detail for a few hours. To look/study at and into your own eyes and then draw them was the most difficult. If you search and look long enough, you will find your soul. One lady in that class started crying and could not complete the task. Now I know many of you will laugh. Over and above my Morning Prayer and time with God I found an exercise that helps me to reach my soul quite easily. In the beginning I did burst out laughing most of the times and hoped no one heard or saw me, as they would surely think I am crazy. Sometimes I am also rushed and found that when I brush my teeth in the morning I look in the mirror into my own eyes and say “morning my Angel, how are you today?” Once you stop smiling or laughing or crying, take a moment and continue to look into your own eyes, examine them, see the colours, the emotion, look long enough and wonderful things happen.    

 When the eyes of the soul that are looking out, meet the eyes of God looking in, heaven has begun right here on earth.


When you allow the external pressures or enjoyments of life to rob you of your core self, when you no longer dedicate only 20 minutes a day to speak your heart out to your Creator, when you have no time for the essence of it all, you will soon lose touch with the notion that you ever had any innocence to lose. You may no longer know the reason or meaning of life.

It is painful to lose things in life (your work, job, home, physical possessions). It is far more painful to lose people/loved ones in life (divorce, death). But the worst pain of all is when we lose our connection with the reality of life and our Father God.  We simply cannot afford to lose our souls. None of us can afford to sacrifice our few intimate moments of prayer and communion with our Creator because of other responsibilities or pleasures. For without this relationship, we might one day look in the mirror and observe a living body encasing a dead soul.



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