Thursday 18 April 2013



(1John 4:7-21)


It has taken me a lifetime to realise that my Creator Father God has always and will continue to love me, to eternity. Over a period of 4 years and through a series of family tragedies the Lord has gradually been working with me. I have experienced and realised that no matter my circumstances, religion or committed sin, I am a child of God and my Creator Father God Love’s me unconditionally! It is up to me to except Him as my Creator Father and love Him back. In my short journey with God I discovered that a simple step of faith, to set aside a time of daily prayer and meditation with my Creator Father, has resulted in me understanding and learning more about His Divine Love.


My journey has made me realise that as a child of God, even being a sinner, does not prevent or disqualify me from serving Him or loving Him back. It highlighted my dependence on His Mercy, Grace and Love. This Mercy, Grace and Love, is free of charge to all of God’s children, people who do not deserve it, and I am one of them. I have discovered that when I come to the end of my self, wanting to give-up, feeling like a failure, my Father God is always there!

“I tell you, to all those who have, more will be given; but for those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away.”

(Luke 19:11-27)

Music, singing and dancing profoundly effects the human spirit.
(read more on this blog see Watch & Wait).

We do not always no or understand the Lords way. One of the reasons for the delay with my Botswana Residents Permit has now become clear. The Lord is using me through my talents by giving me the time and opportunity to play guitar and learn praise and worship songs. 


I have many God given talents and according to circumstances over the years, I used the talents on and off or simply just neglected them completely. My father bought me a guitar while I was still in school and as a teenager for about 8 years I taught myself and loved playing the guitar. Then life took over and I gave up playing / practising and over time I lost confidence to play and eventually completely lost interest in my God given talent. This is the law that governs us all as stewards of the talents and abilities that God gives. It is our calling to serve God and with this calling comes responsibility. Responsibility implies that we must also be accountable for the things – time, talents, gifts and opportunities – that God has entrusted to us. He is in charge and His purpose for us must be formost in your life. "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven".

John Newton, a sailor and cruel slave trader, wrote the hymn “Amazing Grace”.
In 1748 for the first time, he desperately called out to Father God in the middle of a storm that nearly threw him overboard. He then wrote the song “How sweet the name of Jesus sounds” while waiting in an African harbour for a shipment of slaves. Shortly after, he left his trade and became a minister and joined the fight against slavery. He never lost sight of his Father God’s Mercy, Grace and Love. With this simple step of loving his Father God back and showing God’s love at work through him, he wrote the song. It is profoundly evident that when he wrote….” That saved a wretch like me”, he meant those words with all of his heart. This small step of faith, in writing a song, has had a lasting effect on millions of people. Today, statistics indicate that this popular and well known song is performed 10 million times a year as God’s Mercy, Grace and Love continues to changes peoples lives.

Fred an ex alcoholic, now works for the Lord, plays guitar and sings in the Brooklyn Methodist Praise and Worship Group. Since Fred accepted Jesus in his life he has started using his God given talent by writing gospel songs and arranges outreaches to Alcohol and Drug Rehab centres. It is amazing to see the effect of Fred using his God given talent and his testimony. Amazing Grace allows hurting and needy people realise that we all have an almighty powerful Heavenly Father who loves you dearly, no matter who you are or what you have done. Your Father God is always there! 

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