Saturday 3 November 2012


The time for the First people of Southern Africa has arrived and they are ceasing every moment and all opportunities.

"And so I say to you: Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you"  -Luke 11:9,10 -


“For what is mysticism? Is it not the attempt to draw near to God, nor by rites or ceremonies, but by inward disposition? Is it not merely a hard word for “The Kingdom of Heaven is within”?….Heaven is neither a place nor a time. “ 

- Florence Nightingale, Italian-born 19th century nurse -
The 12 member Nca'a Nca'ase Traditional San Dance Group are on route back to New Xanagas, Botswana. A tired San group said tearful farewells to many new friends as a very successful tour to Cape Town, South Africa came to an end.

 The First people of Africa, the San group was overwhelmed with all that they experienced in the short 10-day expedition into the unknown modern world. The entire group wanted to stay longer, there was still so much for them to learn, see and experience. (The journey started on 23 October and ended on 2 November with the arrival of the group in New Xanagas).

 This trip was a first for the First People in many instances. The first time abroad, the first time visiting a large city like Johannesburg and Cape Town, the first time seeing and dancing in a studio and theatre, the first time riding in a elevator to the 5th floor of a high rise building, the first time eating in a fancy restaurant, the first time seeing large mountains and Table Mountain, the first time seeing the sea. All an overwhelming life changing experience.
“Oh may I join the choir invisible
Of those immortal dead who live again
In minds made better by their presence.”

- George Eliot, 19th century English novelist -    

On behalf of the visiting San dance group, the Headman and Sub Chiefs and the community of New Xanagas Village, we want to thank all for their friendly help advise, assistance and hospitality during the short visit.

 Thank you to all at !Khwattu for the invitation and arranging the whole trip, for the donations, for the accommodation, food and transport. Through this sterling effort and the work you do with San people it is sending a very positive message of hope to all. Thank you!!

 Thank you to the Citizen Journalist of CNN International for your time, the video and photographic coverage and your interaction with the group, (from day one filming the group arriving on the bus and up and to the last day, with the group departing on the bus). With the edited footage already viewed we know that most of this San story will find it's way to the International news media.

 Thank you for Jazzart Dance Theatre at Cape Towns Art Scape Centre for your visit and training session at !Khwattu and for hosting a dance training session at your studio. The interaction between the two dance groups was electric (with the modern and old, music and dance routines) as the dancers discovered and taught each other new and old dance styles, rhythms and songs - it was truly amazing!!


“You are the music while the music lasts”

-T.S. Eliot, American-born poet–

Thank you all the sponsors and donors for your generous help. Special thanks to Brenda from Darling for the donation of paying for the group to visit the top of Table Mountain by cable car - unfortunately the Cape Doctor (South Easter) had it's own agenda and the group could not go. Brenda however still gave the donation and each member of the group could buy much needed clothing, food and memorabilia to take home.

Thank you to Campus Crusade for Christ/Jesus Film Project for your ongoing assistance and prayers. Special thanks to Taffy from Campus Crusade in Gaborone who gave so much encouragement, support, assistance and help when the group stayed over in Gaborone.

 The group spent a wonderful “rest-day” shopping at the Mall (as usual the men were finished shopping early, men were running around frantically to find all the women scattered in all the clothing stores, the woman were taking there time) we rushed to the Jazzart studio for a training session and then had a picnic on Clifton Beach (hidden from the South Easter). This was the first time the San came close to the sea and they had a lot of fun and laughs.

Invitation to Kalahari San Safari:

 In planning your next holiday please keep the dance group and New Xanagas, Botswana San community in mind.
You are welcome to visit us in New Xanagas on a Botswana Kalahari San Safari.
Experience the true San culture and life style.




 “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God.”
-         Romans 8:38,39 –


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