“The world is one stage, and the action of its inhabitants are part of the same drama….”
- Nelson Mandela -
“Reach Out Africa” campaign is a non-profit, non-racial,
non-denominational Christian agency and through it’s network of members are
committed to offer humanitarian and empowerment aid to isolated and remote
African communities/villages.
63% of the worlds population are illiterate and/or cannot
26 000 children are
dying each and every day as a result
of hunger or cure able disease
3 billion
and more people are homeless and on the brink of starvation
“Reach Out Africa”
Mission Statement
“Reach Out” through word and deed to empower poor hurting and
needy isolated African communities/villages, regardless of race or religion and
assist them to alleviate spiritual, emotional and physical poverty.
“Creation and work is Love
made visible – God is Love”.
the “Reach Out Africa” campaign and a network of many “Reach Out
Africa” members we aim to start a movement of “Reach Out”
teams/groups that will connect all the many private individuals, volunteers,
professionals, religious & support organisations, charities, donors,
fundraisers, NGO’s and NPO’s who help with economic, health, educational,
social and spiritual up-liftment. As a result of the isolation of
many African communities/villages, many people live in utmost poverty, they do
not even have the basics of water (on tap), or toilets or a house / sturdy
structure to live in. With no infrastructure or large cities close by they need
humanitarian assistance and guidance/training to enable them to acquire a
lasting sustainable future and livelihood. Finances, funding, donations,
teaching and training is needed for community projects that have a empowerment,
educational, social, health or welfare impact (Early learning centres, feeding
schemes, disability centres, orphanages, clinics and other projects). Your help
to volunteer, visit, assist, teach or train in your specific field, profession
or talent will be greatly appreciated.
Out Africa” Safari
your next family holiday on an African Safari to an isolated African
village. You can start a “Reach Out”
Safari holiday by deciding on a date (normally a school holiday), informing
your family, friends, home group, school, church, business, club, community
and all your contacts of your intended “Reach Out”. Inform all to
collect much needed clothing household items, etc - see list below. Inform all that on the “Reach Out Africa”
Safari and during your stay in the community/village, they can assist the
people with labour in building homes/shelters, teaching, training, visiting,
helping the sick and old, playing & teaching sport/games, praying and
worshipping etc. When you have decided on a date for your Safari please inform
us and we will contact you to assist with finalising the finer details. We will
also have a list of any members or groups that may accompany you and/or groups
that can travel together. Depending on response and if you do receive many
donations and lack storage space, the plan is that you inform us and we will
arrange for collection/storage.
there is positive interest for a “Reach Out Africa” Safari, we suggest
you elect/choose a Tour Co-ordinator/Team Leader, Assistant Team Leader,
Cooking Team co-ordinator (will be responsible for the team/group food/menus)
and a Logistics/donations co-ordinator.
vision is that all “Reach Out Africa”
Safari’s will be arranged and co-ordinated from Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg
and Pretoria and “Reach Out” members will collect donations from each
other and /or specified teams/groups and storage facilities, where after
transport/convoys will deliver the donations to intended communities or
collection points.
“Kalahari San Safari” Project

funding, donations, teaching and training will be needed for community projects
that have a empowerment, educational, social, health or welfare impact, early
learning centres, feeding schemes, disability centres, orphanages, clinics and
other projects.
and other communities need your help and hereby invite you to “Reach Out” on a “Kalahari
San Safari” to the San Village of New Xanagas, Botswana.
shoes, blankets, any sport equipment (cricket sets, tennis, soccer,
rugby balls), musical instruments, electrical appliances/equipment, any
building material/tools, shade-net for temporary shelter/homes, office
furniture /equipment /computers /printers, Christian /music & nature DVD’s,
Bibles, books, pens, pencils, art materials /equipment. Any unwanted
items are welcome.
OCS - The Order of Christian Service
The “Reach Out Africa” campaign is
initiated, endorsed and supported by OCS – the Order of
Christian Service, South Africa.
Providing enabling
for home-based discipleship
Providing training
programmes and resources for the laity
evangelism through mission and personal work
‘Go and make disciples of all
Nations” (Matthew 28:19)
The Order of
Christian Service is officially
recognised and supported by the Methodist Church and enjoys active involvement
with all Christian denominations. Through the ranks of it’s Field Members, have
passed a wide variety of gifted Christians – pastors, hospital workers, youth
workers, teachers, plumbers, builders, evangelists, managers and social
workers. More than sixty of these have gone on to ordination in the ministry.
The Order of Christian Service has found itself in
much demand over the years for the provision of lay training programmes, and
evangelistic missions. The Order is prepared to operate in these fields and
travel to wherever they are needed.
Cape Town:
Rev. Anthony Bethke
+27 83 225 4263
Rev. Donald Cloete
+27 82 495 1632
Martin Erasmus
+ 267 738 73730