Saturday 12 November 2011



Thank you for your votes!!!

A welcome tourism boost will result for South Africa and particular for Cape Town with the successful voting of Table Mountain as one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature.

On 11/11/11 and through world wide participation, Table Mountain was voted as one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature. (the final stamp of approval will be given with the inauguration ceremony of the New 7 Wonders of Nature early in 2012).


It is expected that that the demand and value of original Table Mountain 2 dimensional Rock Art Oil Paintings by Artist Martin Erasmus, will increase considerably. For more than 8 years Martin has painted and sold many of these sort after Table Mountain Rock Art paintings.

All Table Mountain Rock Art Paintings  are 2 dimensional and this is achieved by plastering and /or shaping a mixture of sand cement plasters, plastic resins or polymers onto artists stretch canvas. After curring of the shaped sand cement plaster, artists oil paints are used to complete the painting. All Table Mountain Rock Art Oil paintings are meticulously designed, shaped, plastered, sculptured and painted by hand and each Rock Art painting is one of a kind "The Original Painting".

Sought after and excellent Gifts for:

VI P's Corporate or Business Clients and tourists and Tour operators

ORDER your original Table Mountain 2 dimensional Rock Art Oil Painting today!!!

Email: or

Small      (400mm x 300mm)             R 1 500, 00
Medium  (600mm x 400mm)             R 2 100, 00
Large      (1200mm x 600mm)           R 2 800, 00


select from website; - Rock Art Gallery -


Send / Email your favorite photo of Table Mountain and the Artist will paint it in the size that you prefer.


Sunday 6 November 2011

Creation and Work is LOVE made visible - God is LOVE

From the book "Painting Angels" read more about the book on

"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might"
(Ecclesiastes 9:10)

Many people today drag themselves from one complaining, busy, frustrating, hectic or boring day to the next and hate every moment of there life/work and what they are creating, at home, school and work. We have created a fast paced life where panic/stress easily creeps in as we fear for what is going to happen to the world, we fear for our finances and our health, our family, children, friends, our country, old age and loneliness, the past and the future, life and even death. Sadly we have all excepted this as the norm, while drifting further and further away from reality and the purpose and meaning of Creation/Life. We should all make an effort to enjoy and appreciate our work, whatever it is, enjoy everything that we do, try and do it with Love.
Drawing by San Artist.
We all must take some time to look around us. We should take note of many of the poorest of the poor, hurting and needy people, who are so thankful and appreciative for there daily bread and a roof to sleep under (some days not). No matter the circumstances, they have hope, faith, appreciation and Love for every little blessing and opportunity they receive daily. These people know that when there is little hope for the future, there is a constant struggle for basic needs/survival, that only faith will see them through. With faith and by working hard at and using their God given talents/creativity (singing, dancing, music, arts, crafts, baking, cooking etc) they still find a way to seek, explore and achieve the impossible  - Love - God is Love and Creation and Work is Love made visible.

We all can live a happy and contented live filled with love (God's Love), no matter the circumstances, when at work/school make an effort and be aware of God's Love within and around you. If we can only remember the simple fact that we are God's creation, created and filled with His Love in and around us. If it is not possible or easy to change our circumstances, at home, school or work, we can make an effort daily to change our attitude by sharing our Creator Fathers Love with all and by appreciating life and enjoying every little thing we do daily. As God's child we are filled with Love and even in the most negative circumstances it is possible to find pride and joy in your home, school or work. Accepting and working together with Father God means to work in LOVE, it will channel power into your daily life and you will be able to deal with life triumphantly in the present and in the future.

                                                       (read Hebrews 13:5-6)
Read your bible and spiritual motivational books, literature, meditate, pray and on a daily basis meet, seek the Kingdom of God, spend time with your Father God.

An example and proof of this can be found with some of the San communities in Botswana and Namibia, who have embraced there Creators Love as they continue to live life to the full under extremely difficult circumstances. Herewith are some photos of the Artists and Crafters and there creative talents. They do exceptional work without having received any or very little training or art/craft classes.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

GLORY VILLAGE, New Xanagas, Botswana

Forgotten People - San Bushman.

San hunter gatherer people were the first known inhabitants of Africa. Many people today believe that the San people/tribes and there culture no longer exist. They live as a forgotten tribe in the imagination of the world. They were the first artists, the first storytellers, the first custodians of nature in Africa. Theirs was a life of harmony with creation, the animals and seasons, with the continuity of ideas and nature passed on from generation to generation.

The San (also known as Bushman) knew their Creator Father God had given them this land and lived in a land filled with abundance - eland, giraffe, rhinoceros, elephants and veld food - everything they needed. Then everything changed as other tribes and European settlers invaded Africa. People took there land brought large herds of cattle, goats and sheep and things changed forever. Not only had their livelihood changed, but, without land, they also lost the source of age-old legends, natural resources-use knowledge and spiritual dimensions, of which only they and the land knew. Today many forgotten San communities continue to live in extreme poverty on government land all over Africa.

Remarkably the San Bushman community in New Xanagas, Botswana, as well as many other Bushman in South Africa and Namibia,  have endured many hardships, have survived and adapted remarkably to there circumstances. With the help of Missionaries and eventually some governments they have acquired land to live and work on. The San community in New Xanagas "Glory Village", Botswana is an example of how the community encountered and excepted the Love of God through Jesus Christ with viewing the Jesus Film (in English). For many years now the San of New Xanagas together with Missionary Pastor Gawie and his wife Dina established their own Jesus Film team. There outreach trips to various Bushman and other communities and the "Glory Village" with street names such as Healing, Hope, Love, Peace, Faith and the "Glory Lorry" on which they travel and show the Jesus Film, are well known.

I will be moving to New Xanagas from January 2012 to assist the New Xanagas community to establish a San Cultural, Educational and Arts & Craft's Training Centre in which we will establish networking with various organisations to work towards lasting and ongoing results by means of agricultural projects, job creation, arts and crafts, building schools, clinics, orphanages, and/or projects as the need arises. We also plan to establish a tourism rout "Kalahari Bushman Safari Tours" by which visitors can book accommodation in a tented camp, traditional San village and be entertained by traditional San hospitality, singing, dancing, arts & crafts.

Part of my mission will be to assist Campus Crusade for Christ and the Jesus Film Project to translate the Jesus Film film in various San languages.

WE NEED HELP: Through GAIN (Global Aid Network) the Relief and Development arm of Campus Crusade for Christ we aim to bring the love of God, through word and deed, to hurting and needy people. Our immediate and ongoing needs are food, clothing, bedding, blankets, building materials, solar energy products (lights, geysers etc.) and sponsored transport.
If you want to   know more or would like to get involved please email me on

Old Lady doing bead work.

Glory Lorry

Jesus Film Team

Read more on and see San Arts & Crafts on WWW.AFRICAN-ROCK-ART.COM

Assist to translate theJesus Film in African languages


Immediate and ongoing needs are: food, clothing, blankets, building materials, solar energy products (geysers, lights etc.) and sponsored transport.

                                               see the Jesus Film on

                                           Make your life count for the Kingdom of God.
                             WE NEED HELP IN BOTSWANA, NAMIBIA and the rest of AFRICA.

Read more about GAIN - Global Aid Network on the Campus Crusade website


Contact me on to get involved in projects in Botswana and Namibia.